Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What is Neutral Ground?
Neutral Ground is a safe, friendly place for parents and children who live apart to spend time together. The centre facilitates and supports arrangements which parents have already agreed, often with the help of a conciliation service, solicitors or the courts.
Do I need to meet the other parent?
No, we have two separate entrances and staff to ensure you do not need to meet unless you wish to.
How is Neutral Ground staffed?
The Centre is staffed by trained volunteer workers including a volunteer co-ordinator. They work in small teams to provide experienced and co-ordinated support.
When is Neutral Ground open?
At the moment Neutral Ground is open on Saturdays, 11-4pm and 11-2pm(on alternate weeks) for contact and 10-4pm 10-2pm for handover only.
Neutral Ground is not open on Bank Holiday weekends or at Christmas.
How long has Neutral Ground been established?
Neutral Ground opened in 1993.
Do I need to make a booking to use Neutral Ground?
Yes, see referral page
Is there a charge for using Neutral Ground?
There is no charge.
Who is responsible for my children at Neutral Ground?
Parents using Neutral Ground are responsible for their children’s behaviour and safety during the visit.
Are refreshments available?
Tea, coffee, snacks including fresh fruit are available at a small charge. Parents are welcome to bring food or make food for their children in the kitchen at the centre.
Are parents the only adults who can use Neutral Ground?
Grandparents and other adults may also be involved in contact, if previously agreed.
Why use a child contact centre?
Relationship breakdown between you and your partner should not affect your bond with your child. You still have an important part to play in the child's life. Finding a place that allows you as a non resident parent to be a parent can sometimes be hard. Child contact centres can provide this place.
Whats it like in a child contact centre?
The most important people in the Child Contact Centre are the children. We aim to create a warm, sociable atmosphere where you and your children can relax and enjoy yourselves. If you can't or don't want to see your ex-partner you don't have to. The centre has toys, games and books for children of all ages. Tea, coffee and other refreshments are provided. The Child Contact Centre is run by trained volunteers or staff who are impartial and do not take sides. They have all been through an enhanced DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) check.
What service does Neutral Ground provide?
At Neutral ground we are only able to provide supported contact and handover services. We do not provide supervised contact. For further information on supervised contact please visit
Can I refer myself?
Yes please complete the self referral form.
How do I make a complaint?
Please make all complaints to the centre co-ordinator in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the response you may write to the management committee of Neutral Ground.
How do I know that the centre is safe and run to certain standards?
Neutral Ground is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Child Contact Centres. This means that every three years it goes through an accreditation process to make sure it meets the standards set down by NACCC. Neutral Ground was last inspected April 2017.
Will there be other families?
Yes there will be a number of other families having contact at the same time as you.
Does the centre make any reports on us?
Neutral Ground is independent of the Courts, Social Services or any statutory agency. We do not make verbal or written reports about visits, apart from the dates and times of attendance. The only exception to this is if we believe that a child is at risk, or if a member of staff, volunteer or centre user is at risk of harm.
Sometimes a CAFCASS officer or social worker may attend the centre to observe a family during a contact session but this will be in agreement with the family being observed.
Is there anything I need to do?
Yes complete a self-referral form or if you have further questions contact the co-ordinator.
Contact us
Our co-ordinator is Gemma Smith and she can be contacted by e-mail:
By phone on 020 8310 0727
or 07954 211103 (mobile)
If you wish to make a referral please click on the Referrals link and forward the completed, appropriate form to our e-mail address, or alternatively forward it by post.